Chapter 735: Complete Annihilation

ve an inch.Ye Fan looked at Jiang Xue in astonishment. This little girl was fighting on the water, but did she think that holding onto Xi tightly was enough You have to know that even the biggest roc...'Bang!'

After a gunshot, the once-famed Little Knife Society would be utterly destroyed.

Ye Fan didn't have anyone stay behind to clean up the battlefield. That was something the Four Joy Gang should handle. He drove back to Yu Fei's residence, wanting to ensure her safety.

And the fat man set off with the fox, ready for their wedding. With the white wolf dead, the fox had naturally gotten its wish.

This white wolf is quite a character. The men under his command are all tough guys, not a single one of them surrendered after being controlled by the Four Happiness gang. Instead, they were all sent to the police station. Even then, they still considered themselves members of the Small Knife Society.

It seems that leading his gang of cronies takes some skill.

Among them, the most impressive to Ye Fan was that after Bai Lang committed suicide, a person rushed over, demanding to take Bai Lang's body for burial.

This place has been completely taken over by the people of the Si Xi gang, with extremely tight security. However, this man still managed to break in. Although he was riddled with wounds and shot multiple times, he still came to Ye Fan demanding someone. Afterward, Ye Fan learned that this man's name was Er Dan, a trusted confidant of Bai Lang. The reason he was able to infiltrate the hall was because Huo Hu ordered people to let him in.

As for the corpse of a dead man, Ye Fan naturally had nothing to begrudge. Moreover, he admired this Er Dan's character; he was compassionate and righteous, much stronger than that white wolf. So, he generously let Er Dan take the white wolf's body away.

A person who is kind, righteous, starts and finishes things, is worthy of respect.

Ye Fan's actions have brought the matter to a close, and the Qing Gang has also withdrawn from Yanjing, handing over control to the Si Xi Gang. Sun and Xia families were also eliminated by Ye Fan. It seems that the situation in Yanjing is becoming clear, but Ye Fan knows that the real undercurrents are just beginning to surge. The Ye family had three of their teeth pulled out by him, how could they swallow this

The fatty also told Ye Fan that he had come back to observe the situation in Yanjing. He found that whether it was the Ye family, the Yan family, or even the Chen family, all these big families were frequently making moves and moving around with relationships. It seemed like they were very concerned about the upcoming term change. I wonder what other big things will happen in Yanjing.

In Beijing, a new round of power struggle is finally coming. The Yan family and the Ye family are making their moves, but who will have the last laugh

When Ye Fan returned to the villa, Yu Fei was still asleep. Seeing her still sleeping soundly, Ye Fan couldn't help but smile wryly. It seemed like he had been worrying all day for nothing. This girl probably didn't even know what sweet dreams she was having right now!

Yuffie seemed to have been woken up by him, her eyes slowly opened, she saw Ye Fan, and she hugged him tightly, sending a piercing red lip kiss. She nestled in his arms, "How did you wake up"

Ye Fan couldn't help but laugh and cry. Today, he had experienced ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties. He fought one after another, was chased, and this little girl almost got blown to pieces. But she was still oblivious, thinking she had been sleeping beside him the whole time This woman, truly sold by others yet unaware.

Ye Fan stroked her hair, "You don't need to go anywhere these days, just stay at home and wait for me. In a few days, I will take you back to Linhai."

"Good." Yufen nestled quietly in Ye Fan's arms, as docile as a kitten.

Men often dislike strong women because they are assertive and independent. They know what they want and what they don't want.

There is a kind of woman that all men like, and that is an obedient woman.

A woman doesn't have to be too pretty, but she must be obedient. This is the first standard that many men choose their lovers by.

Now Ye Fan somewhat understood the meaning of this phrase. He felt that Yu Fei was undoubtedly the most reassuring person to him.

"I'm going out for a bit, I might be back late tonight," Ye Fan said.

“Okay, I’ll wait for you to come back.” Yu Feihan didn't ask Ye Fan where he was going, nor did he ask what he was going to do.

She is a smart woman, and smart women know what men want. A man like Ye Fan, she doesn't expect to be his only one, as long as she has a place in his heart, that's enough.

It's really nice to have a woman by my side!

Ye Fan only then realized that, unknowingly, Yu Fei had already taken a place in his heart.

He didn't know how much there was, he only knew that he was gradually falling in love with this woman. It wasn't just her body, but also the time spent with her.

But Ye Fan had to leave, he still had a lot of things to do. Huanying was furious, and if nothing unexpected happened, Yanjing would experience another earthquake in the next two days. Since the Ye family had already taken a stand, he should also do something.

Prior to this, he had driven to Peking Union Medical College first, for there was another matter that he had to settle.

He first went to visit Sha Niao and Le Le. Sha Niao's condition had improved. The meningioma grafting method used by Murong Xue on her had shown initial results as expected. Although the effect was not very obvious, it was a leap compared to other hospitals' treatment. Ye Fan was quite satisfied and amazed at the same time. It seemed that Murong Xue had such skills.

Although Silly Girl is still as silly as ever, at least when Ye Fan sees her, she doesn't act like the last two times, clamoring for Ye Fan to hold her. Instead, she watches Ye Fan from afar with a silly smile. When Ye Fan waves to her, she sometimes even runs away. This is different from before when she was always clinging to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan knew he couldn't rush things, what he had accomplished in such a short time was already remarkable. With Murong Xue taking care of her, he felt at ease.

And Lele, on the other hand, lived a normal life. Ye Fan left some money for Lin, knowing that if he gave it directly to Lele's grandmother, she definitely wouldn't accept it.

Therefore, Ye Fan entrusted Murong Lin with their food, shelter, and transportation. He transferred some money from his bank card to her, at first, Murong Lin refused adamantly, but later she felt that Ye Fan was right. As a member of the Ye family, what they lacked most was money.

He couldn't say anything more. How could he know that all the money Ye Fan had in his card was his 'blood and sweat' Though the way he made money wasn't exactly legitimate, it was hard-earned by himself.

Lele's grandmother stopped picking up garbage upon Ye Fan's request. She was getting old and her health wasn't good. What if something happened to her Ye Fan knew that the elderly, above all else, feared idleness. It made them feel like they were just waiting to die. Therefore, Ye Fan had someone bring many bonsai trees and arrange them in the backyard of Murong Lin's detached house. Ye Fan asked Lele's grandmother to help take care of them, saying that a relative of his owned a bonsai company that specialized in growing flowers for sale. He asked Lele's grandmother to help trim the flowers and plants during the day, water them, and fertilize them. Ye Fan even paid her wages.

La La's grandma immediately refused, saying she wouldn't take the money under any circumstances. She said that since she had already spent so much on Ye Fan, she couldn't possibly ask him for more money. She promised to take good care of these flowers.i Feng coldly said, it seems she has made up her mind.In a short while, Lin Bingyue, Mo Ziyan, and Dong Xiaoxiao arrived one after another. Hearing that they were catching the "wolf," Mo Ziyan and Don...