Chapter 361: Mother and Daughter Safe

life." 。Joe Shunchen's voice, deep and mellow like aged red wine, drifted into Qin Jingwen's ear. 。Half soft and half cold, Qin Jing's breath hitched and her whole body stiffened. Afterwards, a sour...Joe Shunchen's heart ached as he heard this. He reached out and took Qin Jingwen's hand, feeling even more remorseful. 。"I'm sorry to have left you alone facing this. If there's a next time, I promise to protect you well and never let you be hurt emotionally again." 。Qin Jing turned her head to look at Qiao Shunchen, who was looking very serious. Was he feeling sorry for her Feeling sorry for the pain she went through during childbirth But what did he mean by "next time" 。If there truly was a next time, she'd rather be tortured, because this time being impossible to achieve is just too far away. 。"The children are all grown up, any pain is over now" 。You don't need to apologize, this is what all women go through. 。"You sit down and rest, I'll go comfort these old people, look at them, they are all in a panic. " 。Qin Jingwen found an excuse to get up and leave. She didn't want to talk about having a baby again; it was painful, like being tortured all over again. 。Tang Danni's physique is still pretty good, about forty minutes a little nurse ran out to announce the good news 。"She gave birth, she gave birth, it's a little princess, mother and daughter are safe." 。The nurse's words let everyone outside the delivery room breathe a sigh of relief. The worry and anxiety on their faces instantly turned into excitement and joy. 。"Alright, as long as you're safe. As long as you're safe." 。“ Everyone couldn't help but say... 。After a while, Tang Dani and the child were sent back to VIP, and everyone followed suit. 。Tang Danni seemed full of energy and vitality. 。"Mom, bring the child over here so I can have a look." 。" Stop looking, you've seen this several times already. 。There is someone taking care of the baby in the nursery. 。Get some rest, close your eyes and take a nap. 。“

Tang Mama felt sorry for her daughter and wouldn't allow her to watch

My child, how can you be so stingy 。"

Tang Danni said mischievously, then looked at Qin Jingwen

"Warm Warm, I've tossed you around so much, even your vacation couldn't fix it. 。It's getting late, you and Mr. Qiao should go back first. If everything is normal tomorrow morning, I'll be discharged and go home. 。Tang Danni could see Qin Jingwen's fatigue, and she also knew that Qiao Shunchen must be waiting outside. So she didn't want to make them all wait here. 。"Yes, you all go back now." 。Winnie, Mom and Dad, you both go back. 。I'm fine here. 。"

Song Xinzhe's face was full of joy, and he told everyone to go back "

Everyone must be tired, and Tang Dani hasn't slept well either. 。Uncle and Aunt, you go back. I'll stay here with Dani. 。“ Qin Jingwen didn't want to go back, she wanted to stay with her friend. 。"Go back, Shunchen has been waiting outside. If you don't go back, he won't either." 。

Here, there's nothing to worry about. You have nurses, midwives, and doctors here. With so many people taking care of you, you'll be fine.

Go back. 。" Song Xinzhe refused Qin Jingwen's company, saying and pushing Qin Jingwen outside. 。"Alright, I'll go back. You take good care of Dani." 。Qin Jingwen had no choice but to go back. 。Joe Shun-chen's car had already been sent to the hospital by Sun Xu, so the two drove away directly. 。"Wynn, it's too late to go back to the suburbs now. They are all asleep and we will wake up the children if we go back." 。Joe Shun-chen asked Qin Jingwen while driving, 。"Just take me home, the children can stay with grandpa in the suburbs." 。"

Qin Jingwen wanted to go home because when she returned to City B, all her dreams woke up and she returned to reality " 。Reality is that Qiao Shunchen has Qiao Shunchen's life, and she has her own life. It's best if they don't interfere with each other. 。"Come to the mountain villa with me, I want to confirm the photos" 。 Qiao Shunchen could only use this method to keep Qin Jingwen. 。Qin Jingwen remained silent for a moment. 。Okay. 。When the two arrived at the villa on the mountaintop, it was already 3 am. Qin Jing was tired and drowsy. She took a quick shower and lay down on the bed, ready to sleep. 。Joe Shunchen said he wanted to confirm the photo, but she was already out of the shower and Joe Shunchen didn't react. 。Qin Jingwen thought about it and didn't open her mouth to ask. 。Perhaps it was during her shower that Qiao Shunchen confirmed, or maybe Qiao Shunchen didn't want her to see 。If that's really the case, then she asked for nothing. 。Just close your eyes and go to sleep. 。"Tired" Qiao Shunchen asked softly. 。"Well, I'm going to be exhausted." 。I'm going to sleep now. 。“I'm going to sleep too, I woke up in the photo and...” 。Joe Shunchen also lay down and burrowed into Qin Jingwen's blanket. 。Qin Jingwen's back was to Qiao Shunchen, her heart beating wildly. 。Due to fatigue, Qin Jingwen fell asleep after a short while, but she wasn't sleeping soundly because she had something on her mind. 。She felt Joe Shunchen get up, and she felt him open a drawer. She even heard the sound of his phone turning on. 。Qin Jingwen's consciousness went from blurry to clear. 。But she closed her eyes and didn't move, she just listened quietly. 。After turning on his phone, Qiao Shunchen first found that photo of the back. The moment he saw it, his brows furrowed in disbelief. His eyes widened in shock and his heart pounded because the picture was exactly like what he had seen in his dream. 。Is this a dream Why is it so similar to reality 。Although he couldn't remember some things, this photo was real. 。Then what about things that happen in dreams, are they real too If they are real, who was the person driving the car that hit him, and who was the woman who pushed him aside and saved him 。Now Qiao Shunchen's mind is full of these things, thinking about it over and over again, his head hurts from thinking too much, and he can't remember anything else. 。He put his phone away and then lay down on the bed, lying on his side with Qin Jingwen in his arms, but what he was thinking about was still the back of the woman who had saved him. 。Qin Jingwen had been facing away from Qiao Shunchen the whole time. Though she couldn't see, the moment she heard the sound of his phone turning on, she already knew what he was doing. 。When Joe Shunchen brought her here, he said he wanted her to accompany him as he looked at photos, but he secretly looked at them alone. 。It seems the woman in the photo holds a different meaning for him. 。He has amnesia and forgot some things. 。This woman could be his friend, his classmate, or maybe just someone who saved his life. But there's also a possibility that she's his other lover. Otherwise, why would she even appear in his dreams 。Qin Jingwen told herself that Qiao Shunchen was a mysterious man, with so many things she didn't know at all, and even she didn't understand the man hugging her. 。Here is her love for a man she knows nothing about, a man even more mysterious than the Loch Ness Monster. Why does she stay by his side 。Both of them hardly slept all night. Qin Jingwen got up around 7:30 to prepare to go to the hospital. 。She put everything she'd been thinking about last night into her heart. She didn't ask about the photo, because she thought if he wanted to say something, he would. Asking wouldn't get her an answer anyway. 。"You sleep in a bit longer, I'm not comfortable leaving Dani alone, let's go to the hospital." 。"

Qin Jingwen was putting on her clothes while talking to Qiao Shunchen, who had already woken up. " 。I'll drive the car away, and have Sun Xu bring it over for you in a while. 。Qin Jingwen got out of bed, and Qiao Shunchen also got up. 。"I'll go to the hospital too, let's go together." 。Joe Shun-chen didn't feel like sleeping. He really wanted to talk to Song Xin-zhe now, to see if he knew anything. 。Okay, you take me to the outskirts of town. 。I need to change my clothes before I can drive home. 。Qin Jingwen now didn't even have the mood to wash her face, she just wanted to leave this mountaintop villa. 。She felt that this villa on the mountain didn't like her, maybe they were enemies in a past life. As soon as she came here, she knew something bad was going to happen, and she left feeling completely upset. 。"Isn't there any clothes here" Qiao Shunchen didn't know Qin Jingwen's psychological activities, because he had his own matters in mind, and he didn't have the extra thoughts to speculate on Qin Jingwen. 。I don't like these clothes. When I'm not working, I don't want to dress too formally. 。Since we're going together, let's get up. Dani will be discharged later this afternoon. 。“Hurry up,” Qin Jingwen urged, “As long as we can leave this place.” 。She felt stifled in this room. 。Then, following Qin Jingwen's instructions, Qiao Shunchen sent Qin Jingwen to the suburbs and then went to the hospital. 。When Qiao Shunchen arrived at the hospital, Tang Danni had not yet been discharged. However, he also couldn't find an opportunity to talk to Song Xinzhe alone. 。"How is it, can you go home today" 。"Wait a while, doctor will be on duty soon. Both Dani and the child will get checked. If everything's okay, we'll go home." 。Song Xinzhe was still surrounded by joy, with a bright smile and a light voice, it was obvious that he was in high spirits. 。Why not stay in the hospital for two more days, that's safer. 。Joe Shun-chen seemed to be infected by Song Xin-zhe's joy, diverting some of his attention over. 。At this moment, he felt a tinge of envy for Song Xinzhe. He could be with his child from the moment it was born and stay by his wife's side as she recovered after giving birth. 。If it weren't for a twist of fate, if he had known earlier that it was Qin Jingwen, he could have felt this kind of life experience too. 。"I want to go home, it's too boring here and I'm not used to it. 。It's still more comfortable at home. 。" Tang Danni was eager to go home and didn't want to stay here for a moment. " 。"By the way, where's Wenwen Why didn't she come with you" 。She went to the suburbs to pick up a car and will be here in a while. 。As he spoke, Qiao Shunchen lowered his head to glance at the time. It would probably be a while before Qin Jingwen arrived. 。Mr. Qiao, please be nice to Wenwen. You saw yesterday how difficult it is to give birth. 。Moreover, Wenwen has lived two lives. The pain she's experienced must be double what I have gone through. 。"Tang Danni had a realization: some things are impossible to truly understand without experiencing them firsthand." 。Just because of the pain of childbirth, Qiao Shunchen should be grateful to Qin Jingwen. 。She's not easy, she doesn't just give birth 。Her whole life has been difficult. 。Don't worry, I will help her and treat her well. 。Joe Shun-chen's assurance sounded reassuring to Song Xin-zhe and Tang Danni, but he himself was full of doubts. 。He couldn't control what the future held, especially after Haifang's identity was revealed in half a month. He didn't know how his grandfather would handle it. 。If you want to be good to her, you have to keep her by your side, but how likely is it that she'll stay with him for the rest of her life The three people were talking when Tang Danni’s parents pushed open the door and came in. 。Seeing them come in, Qiao Shunchen felt his chance had finally arrived. 。After a brief greeting with the two elders, Qiao Shunchen called Song Xinzhe out. 。"Is something the matter" 。"If something happens, is it still a dream of mine" 。I dreamed that a woman pushed me, but the car didn't hit me. 。Joe Shunchen knew Song Xinzhe was short on time, so he got straight to the point without beating around the bush. 。d calm and collected. 。"I didn't say much... that's why I told you to investigate and then speak." 。I'm just guessing, I don't have any ulterior motives. 。Ye Wen's level of panic increased by a notch....