Chapter 362 Another Woman

thank you for everything you've done." 。I don't have such high expectations, and I also know how high the chairman's requirements are for a daughter-in-law from the Qiao family. 。So, you don't need to...Song Xinzhe, upon hearing that it was another nightmare and that there were new developments,

The face that was always smiling became serious. 。He knew Qiao Shunchen wasn't dreaming, but his memory was recovering piece by piece. He just couldn't say anything and had to pretend he didn't know anything about it. 。"Shunchen, haven't you been getting enough rest lately You seem to be suffering from neurasthenia. Why are you always being affected by your dreams" 。I'll give you some medicine in a bit. It will help you sleep well after taking it. 。"It's not a dream, it's reality" 。The woman who pushed me in my dream was the same as the woman in my photo. This is not something a dream can explain. 。" Joe Shunchen insisted on his idea, this wasn't a dream at all, it was just that he couldn't remember more details. " 。"What photos, you must be possessed." 。Don't overthink it, it's just not getting enough rest. 。You said you wouldn't have nightmares if you were with Wenwen, right I talked to Wenwen and we agreed she'll move to the suburbs for a while. That way you can rest well. 。Song Xinzhe wasn't too familiar with the photo, but he had heard Qiao Shunchen mention it. 。But at this time, he could only feign ignorance and try to steer the conversation in a different direction, otherwise, he wouldn't know how to answer. 。It's not that I haven't rested well, I mean it sincerely. 。The woman in the photo is exactly the same as the woman who saved me in my dream, even down to the clothes she's wearing. 。Song, this is not as simple as a dream. This is my memory recovering. 。Joe Shun-chen frowned, also looking serious. He felt Song Xin-zhe's deliberate avoidance. 。As a doctor, the first thing that came to mind given his amnesia was the possibility of memory recovery. 。But Song Xinzhe has been avoiding this issue from the beginning to now, always giving various reasons, just not mentioning the restoration of memory. 。"You know right from wrong Tell me who the woman who saved me is, why I have a different feeling when I see her picture, what's our relationship, and why did she save me"These were just part of Qiao Shunchen's questions in his heart. There were many more doubts he hadn't voiced yet. 。This woman always affects his emotions, so he wants to know most who this woman is. 。His string of questions left Song Xinzhe stunned. Song Xinzhe knew this day was bound to come sooner or later. 。But Qiao Yujie wouldn't let him say it. Even if Qiao Shunchen pressed him, he couldn't open his mouth. 。"You're overthinking it, I really don't know " 。Even if it is about recovering memories, it has to be remembering bits and pieces rather than experiencing them in a dream-like manner. 。"Don't worry, Shunchen. Take your time and continue observing for a while." 。After the new year, when I have some time, I will give you a more detailed check. 。“

Song Xinzhe could only make do with this for now, as for who that woman was, he didn't mention it. 。However, Qiao Shunchen wasn't interested in these things. 。"What about that woman Who is she Song, I know I have amnesia, but the feeling in my heart is undeniable. It's not something that can be forgotten." 。Joe Shunchen's question was urgent, lacking his usual composure. 。 “I…” Just when Song Xinzhe didn’t know how to answer, Qin Jingwen suddenly appeared and interrupted the conversation between the two. 。"How did you get here Where's Dany Who's looking after Dany" Qin Jing asked softly, her eyes following the inquiry. 。"Mom and Dad are inside, let's go out for some fresh air." 。She's been talking about you, come in quickly. 。" Song Xinzhe let out a sigh of relief. Luckily Qin Jingwen appeared, otherwise he really didn't know how to answer. " 。 "How did you get here so quickly Aren't you going home to wash up" Qiao Shunchen's voice was low, seeming to carry too much loss. 。Well, I'm home now. 。"Didn't you see that I changed my clothes" Qin Jingwen's carefree expression had vanished when she answered Qiao Shunchen. What followed was a sadness she couldn't hide. 。 “I'll go in and take a look at Dani first” 。After Qin Jingwen finished speaking, she took a step forward, her expression completely crumbling. 。She heard their conversation, hearing Qiao Shunchen's feelings for that woman, hearing Qiao Shunchen repeatedly asking that woman 。Here comes another woman, and the start of another story. 。Tragically, Qin Jingwen was not his first woman nor his last. 。Everyone walks their own path, losing and growing along the way. Qin Jingwen's growth is just more painful, she has lost far more than others. 。But what can we do, no matter how much we lose, shouldn't we still face life with a smile 。With both her parents gone, did she still care about losing Joseph Besides, she had never truly possessed him, he never belonged to her. 。She stepped into Joe Shunchen's world, and one day she would walk out, to be replaced by the next person. Just let go of it all. 。Qin Jing smiled wryly and sourly, putting away her broken heart. She put on a smile and pushed open the door to the VIP room. 。Qin Jingwen walked into the ward, Qiao Shunchen spoke up and asked Song Xinzhe 。"Was Wenwen listening"Although Qin Jingwen's expression didn't give anything away, Qiao Shunchen felt uneasy, sensing that Qin Jingwen had heard their conversation. 。"No way, you didn't tell her" Song Xinzhe couldn't guarantee that Qin Jingwen had heard them. At the time, they were so engrossed in their conversation that they hadn't noticed when Qin Jingwen arrived. If she hadn't spoken, they wouldn't have seen... 。"It was she who reminded me if it was the same person as in the photo. When I confirmed, I didn't let her see, and she hasn't asked until now." 。I always feel like she heard me. 。Joe Shun-chen felt uneasy. 。"Why not tell her" 。"Just because I feel differently about this woman, and said it out of fear that she'd overthink it" 。" Joe Shun-chen voiced his concerns. 。“This is an unnecessary step, intended to draw attention.” 。Song Xinzhe felt that Qiao Shunchen's actions made Qin Jingwen think more. 。"Forget it, she might not even hear" 。 “Okay, continuing from where we left off,” 。"You must..."

Qiao Shunchen still wanted to ask about that woman, but when Xue Yao walked past again, this time completely interrupting the topic.

"What are you doing standing here Aren't you supposed to be taking care of your wife and children inside You're slacking off, aren't you" 。After Tang Danni finished joking, she directly went into the VIP area with the two people. 。"Why are you here so early"Tang Danyue asked Xue Yao, Xue Yao had come over after Qin Jingwen left last night. She came over so early today, Tang Danyue was worried she hadn't rested well. 。If your little one can't sleep, come have a look. 。The child was right beside Tang Dani, Xue Yao went straight to the child. 。"So cute, I almost want to have one myself." 。Xue Yao carefully reached out her hand to touch the child's delicate little face, afraid of hurting it. 。Then let's get married to Chu Yang quickly, and then have a 。“ Qin Jingwen was also joking, but she sincerely hoped that Chu Yang and Xue Yao could get married sooner. 。After Qin Jingwen finished her joke, she suddenly felt a surge of anger that was out of place. She immediately raised her head to look around. 。Tang Danni's expression was off, Song Xinzhe turned his head away, and even Qiao Shunchen avoided eye contact when they looked at each other for a moment. 。Upon laying her gaze upon Xue Yao, her awkward smile only deepened Qin Jingwen's suspicions. 。Their reactions were like they all knew something and were keeping it from her, which made Qin Jingwen's heart feel uneasy. 。But she didn't know what this thing was, that made everyone hide it from her. 。Okay, want to keep it a secret Fine, keep it a secret then. She wants to see how long she can get away with it. 。 "What are you all doing Did I tell a joke" Qin Jingwen was trying to ease the awkwardness, but her mind was still preoccupied with what had just happened. 。She really wanted to tell everyone that she wasn't stupid and wasn't slow on the uptake. Some things, she just didn't want to investigate further. The results of digging deeper might be even more painful. 。It's a bit cold, getting married isn't just my own business, and having children isn't something I can do alone. 。This matter still needs to be urged Chu Yang. 。"

Xue Yao finally calmed down and jokingly responded to Qin Jingwen. 。Her performance just now, she herself knows it was too bad. 。But after the blind date with Joe Shun-chen, she always felt guilty towards Qin Jingwen, so she didn't act as naturally as before. 。“You're right, it does take two people to cooperate” 。Tang Danni also laughed, but the smile felt so out of place to her that it made her uneasy. 。However, the cooperation between the two people made Qin Jingwen even more suspicious. 。At this time, Qin Jingwen's phone rang. She was afraid of disturbing the child, so she quickly went out to answer the call. 。"Chu Yang, is something the matter" "There's been a problem with the backstage, come take a look." 。As soon as possible 。"Don't worry, I'll be there right away. " 。Qin Jingwen hung up the phone, wanting to push the door in and tell everyone, but seeing them chatting together again, she thought of what had just happened. 。

He then decided against going in to greet them.

She sent a message to Xue Yao, then left directly. 。To be honest, everyone's reaction just now really affected Qin Jingwen's mood. At that moment, she really felt like she had been betrayed by everyone, as if she was the only one left in the world. 。Perhaps she had gone through too much, making her overly sensitive. 。Maybe they're really keeping something from her because they think it's for her own good. 。No matter what kind it was, Qin Jingwen felt she shouldn't be kept in the dark. After all, you can't hide things forever; sooner or later, she'd find out anyway. 。From the moment Qin Jingwen left the VIP room, several people inside started to pass the buck. 。"What are you doing Why didn't you say anything just now At least cooperate with Winnie, don't let her find out!" 。It's better for us to tell her ourselves than risk her finding out. 。Xue Yao knew she was the worst actress, but it was even harder to act when no one cooperated with her. 。"I just couldn't react for a moment, but I think Wenwen should have suspected something. It's just that she didn't ask because she didn't want to embarrass us." 。After Tang Danni finished speaking, she looked at Song Xinzhe and Qiao Shunchen. 。"You two big men, why don't you say anything, making Winnie so embarrassed" 。Oh no, oh no. Winnie's so smart and sensitive, she must feel like I betrayed her. 。" Tang Danni blamed herself. She should have known there would be loopholes, and she should have told Qin Jingwen from the beginning. " 。"How can you three women blame us But Wenwen must have suspected something, the way she looked at me was full of suspicion. " 。"What can we do" Song Xinzhe tilted his head and asked Qiao Shunchen. 。"I'm going out to take a look " 。After Qiao Shunchen finished speaking, he turned around directly. Just as he reached the door, Xue Yao stopped him. 。"Don't go, Wenwen left" 。She said that Chu Yang had an urgent matter that needed her attention, so she left directly. 。After Xue Yao finished speaking, everyone fell silent, each lost in thought about whether Qin Jingwen's sudden departure had anything to do with the awkwardness that had just occurred. 。onfidence. She just can't admit defeat under any circumstances, she just can't be with Qiao Shunchen. 。She knew very well that their situation, only Qiao Shunchen's willingness wasn't enough. 。Joeh-xi...